Judging from organized labor’s reaction, Judge Sotomayor may be a pro-labor justice if her appointment is confirmed by the Senate.  "Judge Sotomayor is a sound, progressive judge who is blessed with a brilliant legal mind," said United Steelworkers President Leo W. Gerard.  Praising her nomination, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney says Sotomayor possesses a “direct and personal understanding of the struggles America’s workers endure every day.” She’s also received these glowing recommendations from the SEIU, Change to Win and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, just to name a few.

Labor’s love affair with Judge Sotomayor goes back to 1995, when she issued the injunction that effectively ended the 1994-95 baseball strike.  (In announcing her nomination, President Obama was quick to point that she singlehandedly saved the American Pastime.) 

While organized labor falls all over themselves to praise Judge Sotomayor, employers’ groups are taking a more cautious approach.  The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, known to butt heads with unions over many issues (notably the Employee Free Choice Act), is still weighing whether to endorse Sotomayor.  While we don’t necessarily see anything in her background to make us nervous, such a warm reception from labor unions certainly should raise an eyebrow or two. 

Meanwhile, for those who are interested, here’s a clip of Judge Sotomayor speaking about her nomination:
