Oregon’s paid leave program (providing up to 12+ weeks of paid family, medical, and safe leave to eligible employees per leave year) will be here soon. Almost all businesses with employees in Oregon are required to participate in the state program, unless they have an approved equivalent plan (which can be either administered by the employer or through an insurance company). The following deadlines are coming soon:
November 30, 2022: Date by which employers seeking to obtain approval for an equivalent plan should submit their Equivalent Plan Application or file a Declaration of Intent with the Oregon Employment Department to avoid having to make contributions to the state program starting January 1, 2023. You can read more about equivalent plans, including how to submit an application, here. The Declaration of Intent form is here.
January 1, 2023: Date by which employers and employees must start contributing to the state program unless the employer has an approved equivalent plan or submitted a Declaration of Intent. (Note, however, that employers who have submitted a Declaration of Intent must hold certain contributions in trust until their equivalent plan is approved.)
The total contribution rate for 2023 is 1% of up to $132,900 in wages. Oregon employees pay 60% of the 1% contribution rate through a payroll deduction. Large employers (25+ employees anywhere, regardless of whether they are in Oregon) pay 40% of the 1% contribution rate for all Oregon employees. Contributions can be paid through this platform.
January 1, 2023: Date by which employers must post and distribute the model notice informing employees about the available paid leave benefits under the state program. The model notice must be physically posted in a conspicuous location at each Oregon work site (for example, in the employee breakroom with other required postings) and must be provided electronically or by mail to any remote workers in Oregon. The model notice is available in English here, and in other languages here.
September 3, 2023: Date by which Oregon employees start having access to paid leave benefits through the state program.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of our Labor & Employment attorneys.