Since 2002, the Oregon Smokefree Workplace Law has made most workplaces smokefree. Effective January 1, 2009, a new law will expand the number of indoor workplaces that are required to be smokefree, and prohibit smoking within 10 feet of entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes of workplaces and public places.
Workplaces and public places that must now be smokefree include but are not limited to:
- Bars and taverns, including bar areas of restaurants
- Bowling centers
- Bingo halls
- Private and fraternal organizations
- Employee break rooms
- Restaurants
- Private offices and commercial office buildings
- Retail and wholesale establishments
- Manufacturing plants and mills
- Truck stops
- Child and adult day-care
- Assisted living facilities
- Movies theaters and indoor entertainment venues
- Hotels and motels (Exception: up to 25% of guest rooms may be designated as smoking rooms by the owner or entity in charge)
- Work vehicles that are not operated exclusively by one employee
That’s right – no more smoking in the day care center! There are some exceptions to the new law, but they are few:
- Certified smoke shops
- Cigar bars
- Hotel/motel rooms designated for smokers
- American Indian ceremonies
Employees and the public will be able to report violations of the new law once it takes effect by calling a toll-free number or completing an online complaint form. If your business is caught violating the laws, it can be fined $500/day or $2000 per 30-day period. For more information, including compliance tips, check out the State of Oregon’s Smokefree Workplace website.