Today the Department of Labor expanded its FAQs on the COBRA subsidies included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Click here to read the DOL’s new COBRA FAQs.
Wondering what the tax implications of the subsidy are, or whether the person asking for the subisidy is truly eligible? Click here to read the IRS’s Premium Assistance for COBRA Benefits. If that doesn’t answer your tax questions, click here to visit the IRS’s ARRA page.
As a reminder, employers can click here to download the new model COBRA notices.
Sick to death of COBRA and need to relieve the stress it’s caused? Click here to visit Orisinal – a site full of calming, zen-like computer games.
And finally, click here to visit the Stoel Rives World of Employment’s complete COBRA coverage.