As almost everyone knows, last week President Obama presented a $447 billion jobs bill, called the American Jobs Act, to a joint session of Congress full of proposals designed to stimulate the lagging U.S. economy. What many people probably don’t know is that, tucked into the bill, is a provision that would make it
Supreme Court Holds Title VII Can Cover Third Party Retaliation Claims
The United States Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion today in Thompson v. North American Stainless, LP., 562 U.S. ___ (2011), that confirms the expansive scope of persons protected by Title VII. The Court held that it is unlawful for an employer to intentionally harm one employee in order to retaliate against another employee who engaged…
Proposed “LAW” Would Index Federal Minimum Wage to Poverty Level
The recently proposed Living American Wage Act (LAW) would tie the federal minimum wage to the federal poverty threshold for a family of two with one child. Introduced last week by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), LAW would index the minimum wage to 15 percent above the poverty line for a full-time worker, or about $8.20 per…
IRS, DOL Publish New Info on COBRA Subsidy
Today the Department of Labor expanded its FAQs on the COBRA subsidies included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Click here to read the DOL’s new COBRA FAQs.
Wondering what the tax implications of the subsidy are, or whether the person asking for the subisidy is truly eligible? Click here to…
Model COBRA Subsidy Notices Now Available
The Department of Labor has published four model notices to help employers, plans and individuals comply with the notice requirements of the COBRA subsidy provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Each model notice is designed for a particular group of qualified beneficiaries and contains information to help satisfy ARRA’s notice provisions. Click…