A recent California Court of Appeal decision upheld the state’s complex rules for compensating piece-rate employees. In Nisei Farmers League v. California Labor & Workforce Dev. Agency, 2019 Cal.App. LEXIS 10 (Cal.Ct.App. Jan. 4, 2019), the Court held that the Labor Code’s requirement that piece-rate employees be separately compensated for “nonproductive time” was not
piece rate
No Peace for Piece-Rate Pay in Washington Agriculture
By Adam Belzberg, Tim O'Connell & Ryan R. Jones on
Posted in wage and hour, Washington
In yet another blow to agricultural employers, grab your stopwatches. In Carranza v. Dovex Fruit Co., the Washington Supreme Court has just held that agricultural employers are required to compensate piece-rate workers on a separate hourly basis for time spent performing tasks outside the specific scope of the piece-rate work.
In a narrow 5-4…
New California Employment Laws for 2016
By Tony DeCristoforo on
Posted in California
Now that the calendar has turned to 2016, this is a good time for employers in California to ensure that they are up to speed on the new laws that took effect on January 1. Here are some of the highlights.
SB 358 (Gender Wage Differential)
Existing law already prohibits employers from paying women less…